Virtual, digital & hybrid.

& Hybrid.

Virtual can also be emotional - stay tuned!

From “live” to “virtual”. How does digital transformation work? And how do we make it emotional? The right theatrics, your participants in focus and the leads in view – Challenge accepted!

By the way, a separate webpage on the subject of VIRTUAL EVENTS is in the works and will appear here!

Watch our new video.

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Not the one platform that can do everything – but the platform that can do exactly what you need, when you need it!
One size fits nearly all – so let’s not mess about, tailor-made simply fits best in the end. And that’s exactly what we’ve made our mission.
Especially now, when full rows of chairs and long registration lines have unfortunately become the new “Remember that time…”. Virtual goes emotional! And if you think it virtually impossible, you’re welcome to join us on a digital journey. Or as we say:
“Virtualize it”

Do it



The modular principle, self-administered and budget-friendly.
One access, many customizable functions with automated processes. The “do it yourself” version that grows with you.

This is exactly your thing if you …
> Love simple user interfaces with system modules.
> Want to show your corporate identity & design.
> Want to manage the whole thing yourself, independently.

All in



The flexible platform that can do everything and is customizable and scalable. With its user-friendly interface, it leaves a lasting impression – not only on your participants. You can choose: your individualized corporate design in 2D or 3D design?

This is exactly your thing if you …
> Are looking for a unique solution that no one else has.
> Want to create a unique and consistent brand experience with your event.
> Want to enjoy all-round carefree service for your virtual events.




Our special add-on and the cherry on the digital event cake – because the “live feeling” is priceless. Choose between stationary and mobile studios in your area with a staged live stream as the central focus of your virtual live events.

This is exactly your thing if you …
> Want to add a real live feeling to your event solution.
> Want to present the virtual platform to your participants in an even more tangible way.
> Want to make emotions come alive.

Want to know more?