Bavarian Beach Cup 2023

Bavarian Beach Cup 2023

Girls Power.

CATEGORY: REALIZE News | Action | Tournament | Sport


Challenge accepted!​
#beachvolleyball #exciting #topteam #girlspower #bavarianbeachcup #bbc

Sporting team challenge? – we’re in. ​
We discovered the call for participation, put together a team and registered.​
It run very quickly, because the REALIZE team loves such occasions. ​
Moreover, as a girls’ team!​
As it turned out, as the only all-girls team, we then competed against all the other company crews in 10 games over 2 days, first in the preliminary rounds, then in the Lucky Loser Day and even made it to the final!​
We enjoyed all the games and pulled through with full commitment and ‘good vibrations’ as usual. Accompanied by REALIZERS as spectators who cheered us on and enjoyed a fun summer day on the ‘beach’ themselves.​

​Great event, pure fun and strengthened the team along the way.​
Once again a REALIZE TIP for playful team building and recreation.​

We are looking forward to the coming summer and the next BBC.​

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